This man could not walk. During the prayer his legs began to jerk; now he is jumping for joy!
A young woman comes to the platform, she was born with crippled legs and has never walked. A great miracle has begun.
She tells the people how she now has strength in her legs, and refuses to keep her crutches.
The people begin to expect their miracle as I report to them some of the amazing things that we saw last night.
Previously unable to see clearly, this young man now demonstrates how he can read the fine print of his phone.
This woman had a disease that causes her right leg to swell to an enormous size. The mass is now soft and the swelling is going down. I ask her to come back tomorrow so we can see the progress.
A great testimony. This woman has been -crazy- (demon possessed) for four years. She and her mother smile as they tell the people her story.
This woman suffered from diabetes for 18 years and went everywhere for help. She is healed and brings the traditional -medicines- to me to lay in the platform with the abandoned crutches.
An accident left this man unable to walk. Now he is walking without the excruciating pain.
He rejoices by raising his crutches into the air.
She had not been able to walk without pain in her legs. Now she is healed!
The people expect to receive their miracle. This is faith.
This boy came in crutches but is healed and announces that he will always serve Jesus.
This young man testifies that he searched for help in many areas (including the voodoo priest). But yesterday he was healed and today he is compelled to say -Thank you- to Jesus publicly.
The multitude accepts Jesus with great enthusiasm.
This man gives a bold testimony that he has accepted Christ. Now he can walk after years of suffering.
The testimonies keep coming.
The people rejoice, singing -Our God is Good!-
I call those who have been healed to come forward and testify to their miracle. The pain is gone; the demon has left her.
Dr. Osborn arrives for the final day of this great Festival of Faith and Miracles.
Testimonies from previous nights are shared. This is a bag of traditional medicines that were abandoned by a woman who was healed by the power of Christ.
Her stomach and thighs were huge. During the prayer she is healed as yellow fluid drains from her body.
She has been healed, and she is so happy!
This woman suffered from heart disease for many years. During the prayer she felt fire go through her body and she is healed.
Nineteen years without menstrual flow and now she is healed, experiencing a normal flow of blood.
Story after story testifies to the love of God for these people.
The people are taught to put their faith in God and not in a person.
This boy suffered intense stomach pain for two years. He was instantly healed when he stepped on to the Festival grounds.
Another miracle, they just keep coming. Praise Jesus!
A former epileptic, this man says that the spirit of the disease has left him.
Thousands accept Christ, turning from all other religions and superstitions.
BENIE TV has telecast each day of the Festival. They invite Dr. Osborn to speak to the French-speaking world of 350 million one more time.
This man came forward to give his testimony of how Jesus healed him.
Much ministry to the people is done through story-telling, to teach them the truths of God.
This woman felt the evil spirits leave her body.
Final instruction is given to the people to guide their faith always toward Jesus.
The commission is to -Go And Tell- what Jesus has done here.
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